You found a piece of my splendidly imperfect art!
I'm so happy you made it thus far to my site!
Welcome, friend!
I hope finding my art made your day happy and put a grin of sorts on your face.
I hope you had fun wondering what this website was about or what it would say (I love a good caper, don't you?!).
Now that you are here, let me explain.
I have a favor to ask of you.
I ask that you choose to either KEEP my art OR release it back into the world!
If you decide to keep it, please post about that. Let me know where you found it and the circumstance and your reaction to discovering it.
If you decide to re-release it back into the wild (the world), please post where you found it, the circumstance and your reaction to discovering it...AND also where you released it and on what day.
This way we can keep track of the Found Art.
If you notice, there is an identifier on your art (most likely on the back side).
* Go to that identifier on this site and THAT is where you post your remark in the comments section. (You don't need to have a blogger account.)
* To get to the identifier on this site go to the Index and look for your Found Art number... (ie: Art #001...look under "INDEX" and I have a link to all my Art Release Posts there under the Art you would find #001 and click on it to get to that post and then in the comments section do the commenting...)
Sample entry:
"Hi, you brilliant artist you! I was sitting at Starbucks when I happened to look at the seat next to me to see an envelope. I thought perhaps someone left something. Then, I noticed it was marked 'Found Art! Take Me!' So, I grinned and slowly took it and was very curious as to what would be inside. I opened the envelope to discover a wonderful Picasso-like masterpiece (hehe--you can tell I am writing this!). It made my day. I couldn't wait to go to your website to discover what was next in my caper! I love a good caper, too! Thanks for the fun! Whenever I see your art (on my desk, framed), I'll grin."
Hi, you brilliant artist you! I was sitting at Starbucks when I happened to look at the seat next to me to see an envelope. I thought perhaps someone left something. Then, I noticed it was marked 'Found Art! Take Me!' So, I grinned and slowly took it and was very curious as to what would be inside. I opened the envelope to discover a wonderful Picasso-like masterpiece (hehe--you can tell I am writing this!). It made my day. I couldn't wait to go to your website to discover what was next in my caper! I love a good caper, too, so I'm going to join you! I re-released the artwork (labeled #3) at the 7-11 gas station located at XXXXXXX on top of their coffee machine for the next person to discover! Thanks for the fun! I'll be back to see who discovers it next!! You are brilliant!"
If I did not explain this well, please leave a comment below so I can answer your comment.
Thank you!
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